For today's 'Bench of the Week' I have chosen one of my very favourite seats in the Botanic Garden. Nestling in a sheltered glade screened by tall conifers, it is perfect for basking in the afternoon sun. There is no panoramic view here, the site lends itself to inward musing, creative ideas and solitary bliss.

Bench of the Week was begun by RuneE of Visual Norway. Do visit his wonderful blog and also Barbara Martin, who first introduced me to the theme.
I love benches in gardens, especially when they are situated so you can enjoy the view around you. That does look like a nice place to sit and watch the birds or bees in the garden.
The woodlands have certain echt qualities that are in display in these photographs.
A bench in the garden? Yes ... after a long walk, I need a bench. To just sit, and enjoy the view.
Thank you Catherine. There is plenty of wildlife to watch and listen to in the Garden, including bees - the essence of a sunny day!
Thank you Prospero! I revel in the qualities of the woodland and do like to communicate this.
It looks like a dreamy place to sit among all that greenery and enjoy sunshine. Gorgeous images.
Benches are so welcome, aren't they Lili - after a long walk, and sometimes just to sit anyway!
It is dreamy, Diane! It's exactly that sort of atmosphere where you can dream and let the place kind of speak to you. Thank you.
Hi Phoenix C
Nice bench, as they say. I've just clicked through to Rune e and Barbara Martin for the first time.
Have a good weekend
Thanks Rob!
Glad you've visited RuneE and Barbara - they're great blogs.
Wonderful weekend to you too!
I'm used to "external" views, but I fell for this one. I can well imagine to sit and enjoy both the inner and outer life.
This is an ideal spot for enjoying the inner and outer life, RuneE - both enrich the other!
I too like it when gardens have benches. Not only is it nice to rst a spell (erm, I mean take time out to muse and ponder), but it just gives such an inviting feel. :)
I so agree, Monica - benches give a different kind of focal point to plants and make you stop and look more too.
Wonderful photos of the benches in green areas: a perfect place to stop and ponder.
Thank you for the link and kind comments, though the "Bench of the Week" was RuneE's original idea.
Thank you Barbara. It's good to be able to stop and be re-energized.
This is a bench in a good place. I think I would find it very tempting, though, to dash past it and explore what is beyond the corner (in the first picture) and then come back later to enjoy the sun without pangs of curiosity.
I do that too, Bim!
(Maybe I'll post some photos of what is beyond the corner ...)
Such a lovely bench for a wonderful garden setting! I did enjoy your photos of it but wish you also had a closeup too! I shall return in case you post more benches in the future. Ü
Both, Malyss and I each have bench blogs and we post almost daily to them. Mine is called For the Love of Benches Continued because my first blog ran out of space! It is linked from my regular blog on the side should you want to peek at it sometime.
Thank you PERBS! I shall endeavour to post benches on Fridays for Bench of the Week - I will do some closeups too!
I didn't know blogs could run out of space - you must have a lot of material on the first one!
beautiful pictures... makes me want to grab a volume of Emily Dickinson and sit and muse...
Thank you Claude! It would be the ideal place.
There is just something about a great garden that calls for a bench in it. A place to set and unwind, meditate, and get peace back into ones mind from all of the clutter that bombards us each day. Every garden needs a bench.
I so agree, Lona, sitting on a bench in a garden is such a wonderful way to de-clutter! (I've been doing exactly that this afternoon!!)
Hi Phoenix, looks like the crew gave the bench a new coat of stain this season. How lucky you are to be close to such a beautiful Garden!
This is so beautiful and different from my environment. It looks so cool and inviting, which is just the break I need about now with our summer heat!
I think it may have been swapped round with the one further along, Lynn - well spotted!
We are very lucky indeed here: there is the wonderful Botanic Garden, and many other beautiful gardens too - I'll be posting on some of them over the summer. (And mine too - but don't look too closely at those photos or you'll see the weeds!!))
Glad you enjoyed the cool of the Botanic Garden, Aiyana! I'm sure you would enjoy visiting the North East UK and seeing our lovely gardens and scenery.
Yesterday was 25 degrees here - rather unusual for us - very nice to relax outside in the sun with a book!
A fine looking bench Phoenix - I like the curved back. It looks the ideal spot for sitting, pondering and dreaming. I have come across Rune's excellent blog through ABC Wednesday. Will follow your link to Barbara's blog. Thanks :)
Thank you Anna. The curved back is really comfy for sitting!
What a wondeful bench and setting. It just looks so restful there with all the green around it.
Thanks for this one Phoenix.
Thank you Bill - it is certainly a restful spot!
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