Saturday, 1 March 2014

A Sylvan Artist's Outdoor Materials!

Small Sylvan Art Works in Progress - Watercolour - Ingrid Sylvestre

As an artist and writer I have always preferred to work for most of the time outdoors in the landscape through all the seasons, whether creating landscape & sylvan inspired work or other non-related subjects. I find the natural environment so inspiring and being outside stimulates creativity. 

People frequently ask me what materials and equipment I use. This depends on the kind of work I am creating - the only constant is plenty of hot tea! Here I will show the materials I use to create quite small sylvan works, meaning I don't have to carry a lot of heavy equipment, and I can work standing up thus not needing to take a seat. The above selection of watercolour 'Work in Progress' ranges from A4 size down to tiny images. They are all works I am in the process of creating for forthcoming exhibitions.
Outdoor Art Materials & Equipment - Ingrid Sylvestre

I like to use spiral bound or gummed books of paper. For watercolour I prefer interesting surfaces that give a textured effect to the paint. When creating drawings I love to use Ingres Pastel Paper with its lovely tinted shades. I especially like to use a type of pencil called Derwent Drawing Pencils (see box in above image) which come in wonderful earthy colours. Also Conte Crayons (see small oblong boxes above) in very short lengths so they can be used sideways to create large areas of colour.
Tiny Watercolour paintbox for outdoor art work - Ingrid Sylvestre

Although I use a normal sized paintbox when out on daily working excursions, I find this tiny frog-decorated children's paintbox really useful to carry round at all times. This means I can paint when inspired on any occasion - even when out for a meal or shopping! I removed the cheap paints and replaced them with Artist's Watercolour from tubes, which I allowed to dry before closing the lid. A small eyeliner brush fits nicely into the box too!
My favourite Art Sketching Pencil Box - Ingrid Sylvestre

And not to disappoint my giraffe-followers - even when creating non-giraffe artwork, I still have one somewhere around!
North East artist Ingrid Sylvestre Northeast Art for sale Durham Artist Ingrid Sylvestre